Thursday, February 16
Not Perfect but Darn Close!
Dear Diary,
Ever have one of those moments? Well, I did. Today in class, I was to demo the CrossFire Database first then have the students do the in-class assignment. And I had told them as much not 3 minutes before I decided....Nah!
So after my lecture (powerpoint slides) I just said "OK, no log on and do the worksheet!"...awkward pause then it hit me...."No-o-o-o....I demo it first!!" Oh nevermind! The students and my manager were wonderful but I felt so crazy!!
Oh well, I think I recovered nicely. Ha!
I mentioned that this database is difficult. My manager made a great suggestion that I refrain from saying things like that b/c they become a self-fulfilling prophesy.
I give myself much deserved credit b/c I not only learned the database, I was able to teach it! That was no small feat, b/c between you and I, it is DIFFICULT!! Shh!
I thought it was very kind of one student while I Previewed their citations for today's assignment before they submitted it, she said, "It must be a nightmare for you to have to grade all of these!" I smiled and thanked her for being concerned....and thought "From your lips to God's ears!"