Thursday, July 27

Wrap-Up Lunch

Dear Diary,

Another great day with the students. I met the other great students from Valpo and IUSB. They were very kind and loved my panel presentation and my energy level.

I am going to miss our students. I hope we keep in touch.

I did get a chance to talk to Iris Outlaw, the director of the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs. She was more than willing to help me with my desire to donate books to the African University Librarian I met in Tanzania. Iris works with black student organizations and different faculty members who may be wonderful resources. We plan to meet a few weeks after school resumes.

I have a best friend, who I named "Banana" (it's a long story). Anyway, Banana is really admirable and actively involved with grassroot organizations. She donates school supplies to students in other countries like Brazil and tried to donate supplies to an African school in conjunction with Roosevelt University. But she said the U.S. Government did not allow the shipment?? Iris has some ideas as to why that was. She thinks it may have to be delivered by a person.

I told her about another African Librarian I met who works in the Uganda Book Trust. She said we should be able to figure out a way to donate the textbooks. I am really looking forward to it.

A co-worker suggested that I contact him to learn more about Books for Africa,
Better World Books and BFA recently presented to college bookstore managers at the National Association of College Bookstores at their national conference, and also at the COOL Idealist Conference at the University of California- Berkley where many students were enlisted to run book drives on their campuses. BFA benefits from the proceeds of book sales and also receives substantial book donations from the Better World Books collection center in South Bend, Indiana.

Miss U. and I discusses a fascinating Spoof on Lord of the Rings that she saw on her trip to Valpo called "Lord of the Librarians" about somebody trying to return a book to the library. I'd love to see it.

I will definitely miss the student workers. They seem to really connect with me, as most young people do (please ignore the big patch of gray hair at the top, center, front of my hair line). They were so wonderful to work with. I truly miss volunteering with the Youngins. But my life is so-o-o incredibly hectic with family needs that I cannot commit to a strict volunteer schedule at present. But I do what I can, when I can. And really that is all you can do.