Monday, July 24

What Doesn't Kill Us...

Will Only Make Us Wish That It Had!

Dear Diary,

Long day. Lots accomplished. Getting closer to finalizing our Collection Evaluation Report. I am pleased that I am getting useful experience. Report writing has always interested me but every manager has different criteria and formats they use.

I am glad that I have adopted an Open-Door policy. I have gotten a lot of rewarding visits and been "there" to help our students through tough times because I was inside of my dark, depressing, dreary cube. So that is very encouraging. When young people seek my council it does the heart good.

I think the Student Blogs are an invaluable insight into the personalities of the students that you would never get a chance to see. I read them religiously and find myself anxiously awaiting their next postings. Some I just never know what to expect and the tickle me. But then again I am easily amused.

I am super grateful for my Blog. You have no idea how many times in the first few hours that I returned to work that I had to re-tell my Tanzania trip story.

I got so bored with the story that I immediately posted the entry on my blog and as soon as someone asked "So how was your trip?" I say "Oh you can read all about it on my Blog!" And to sweeten the deal and soften the blow, I add "I posted my pictures on it too!" Phew! Done! What did we ever do without this technology?