To Thine Own Self Be True
My personal mantra is "To Thine Own Self Be True"
I became a librarian to do things that I love to do.
I have had so many incredible professional opportunities
Working in public, private and academic library facilities.
I began as a Medical Librarian, on a mission
"To create empowered patients making informed decisions."
Next I moved to a public library...and that was a hoot!
Working as a Children's Librarian, in 90 degree weather, dressed in a Corduroy-The-Bear Suit.
When I answer reference questions for patrons I learn things I never knew.
For instance, did you know that licking your own elbow is impossible to do?
Working in the Law Library was very intense
But it was cool researching famous people's nonsense
Such as R. Kelly's alleged child porno offense
Or lawsuits involving, my man, T.A.F.K.A.P.
You may know him as, "The Artist Formerly Known As Prince."
Next I worked in a Chemistry library,
That was understandably scary!
I taught a class for an entire semester, for college credit
I was, "Professor Smith !" Who'da ever thunk it?
Now, I'm doing Africana Collection Development
Adding materials to ensure my people's history is visibly present.
I've published articles about obscure topics of interest
And been a presenter at a statewide conference
Because as a minority know..."I gotta Respresent!"
Working in libraries is challenging but is a lot of fun too
Where else could I work with such an interesting crew?
I work with a Mexican-that-Can, an Indian Princess, and an American King, well technically two.
I work with a gal on the other side of weird; and the REMARKABLE Miss U.
I work with someone afraid of muffins, and some sorta raptor... just to name a few?
Librarianship allows me, "To MINE Own Self Be True"
Basically, I became a Librarian
Because to quote Ray Charles,
"I'ma make it do what it do! "