Saturday, January 20

Sleepless in Seattle

Dear Diary,

I have the worse hotel in the city. Chalk it up to last minute reservations. I mean no clock, no radio, no cable, only 4 basic television channels and 2 of those are all static, no controllable heat (only a radiator) and no room service, etc...I have the pleasure of listening to car alarms going off all night and it is just all too much!

But my Emerging Leaders program was even more eventful. Someone suggested we walk instead of taking the shuttle and so I did....only 10 problem! But they failed to mention it was all uphill! Oh Dear God! Soon after arriving there, we were treated to a fire scare. Complete with 3 fire trucks and so it has been an eventful trip to say the least.

The morning program was interesting but at lunch my group decided it would be a better use of our time to skip the afternoon wrap-up discussion with the other 95 Emerging Leaders and instead attend our Division Meeting and ask for guidance on our project. That was indeed the best use of our time. We bonded over lunch and on the walk to and from the Division Meeting. We were able to meet our sponsors and get very clear directions. We returned to the Emerging Leaders reception and mingled with the rest of the group.

I saw one of my managers and we went for a snack and then I got some goodies at the exhibit hall and returned to my room and tried to sleep.