Thursday, November 9

Self-Evaluation by a Narcissist

Dear Diary,

I have completed my self-evals for both the overall residency program and my immediate supervisor. Phew! I have done quite a bit in this residency which was my plan. Today alone, I conducted my first ever Focus Group. It went offf without a hitch. Yay!! Big thanks to my fanatastic ERSA-Minor Committee. It was a lot more work than anticipated so the extra help was invaluable.

I had a hard time at first recalling all I'd accomplished. But then I remembered that I am my #1 Fan so I just wrote a lot of:

I am the Greatest!
I am the Smartest!
I am the Best-est!
I am so Wonderful!
I am Fabulous!
I am a hard-worker!
I am reliable!
I am creative!
I am enthusiastic!
I am Terrific!

Basically, like on the skit from SNL...
"I am good enough...
I am smart enough and
doggone it...
People like me!"
* Oh yes...and we can't forget, most of all
"I am MODEST!" ;)