Dear Diary,
I attended the Indiana Library Federation's District 1 Conference in downtown South Bend today. I was impressed by Michael Stephens' Technology presentation
He talked about:
*Techno-Lust, just wanting things because they are cool.
*Techo-Must, things that you need to meet your mission.
Techno-Divorce, being able to disregard technology that does not meet your continuing needs.
He suggests having a Library Garage Sale for example his library sold old computers and there were lines around the corner.
Mr. Stephens discussed IM virtual Reference at his library.
Mr. Stephens discussed as one example of photo-sharing services. Photo-sharing for the Digerati. He discussed how CD-ROMs will die because new wireless streaming video will replace them. He suggested that one day reference will be conducted using Skype and VoIP
Mr. Stephens discussed how the South Huntington Public Library on Long Island, New York, became one of the first public libraries in the country to loan out iPod shuffles for audiobooks.