Monday, October 31

Eye Wide Shut

Dear Diary,

My Bibliographic Essay on "Seldom Explored Minority Stories"
was published, click on the hyperlink below:

Tuesday, October 25

Who Knew Water is Alcohol?

Dear Diary,

Neither database was working properly so my Chemistry co-facilitator reviewed chemistry concepts with me.
Naming Straight Chain Alkanes We also collaborated on ways to include Active Learning Techniques into our sessions.

I'm Just a Bill

Dear Diary,

Today's Legal Research class was treated to the long awaited School House Rock clip to help explain the life cycle of Laws

The class ended with a poem. I loved it as did the students. Nice transition for the first week back after fall break.

Thursday, October 20

Talk About Multi-Tasking

Dear Diary,

Monday I attended a libray tour and was struck by the fact that there are entire departments dedicated to single tasks that I did as a group of tasks. Naturally, I understand why, because I was one of two librarians in a relatively small library, but it demonstrated to me that I have a wide range of skills, as a result of being a semi-solo librarian. For example, I did collection development, acquisitions, weeding and de-accessioning, "Tattle-Taping" meaning putting the security strips in the materials, I put Mylar on the dust jackets, I cataloged the materials (print and audiovisual), I claimed missing materials, I shifted the shelves (shelf maintenance), I did reference, bibliographic instruction, reserves and ILL requests. All of the above are separate departments in the main library (with the exception of Government Docs). Wow! I never thought about it.

Bonus: Me and my co-resident were asked to co-chair the Library Committee for the Department of Africana Studies. Yippee! I created a Collection Development Policy and ran it by the team, before I begin my search for resources, I need to have a clear goal.

BONUS: My 4th article has been accepted for publication by the American Library Association's Versed. This one is my Bibliographic Essay that I spent the absolute most time on, it is 24 pages "short."

And I was notified of the following nomination:

"Congratulations! The American Library Association's Nominating Committee has selected you as a candidate for Councilor-at-Large in the 2006 election. You were selected from a pool of many well-qualified potential candidates. Your nomination indicates the high regard in which your peers hold you."

Thursday, October 13

Jane May Have 2 Mommies BUT African-Americans Are Even More Incredible!

Dear Diary,

Interesting reference request to locate the decisions of cases cited in a Washington Times article, titled "Same-sex parent rulings spark debate in California."

1) Reversed 16 Cal. Rptr. 3d 123
2)Reversed 13 Cal. Rptr. 3d 136
3)Reversed 13 Cal. Rptr. 3d 494

I attended an inspiring speech by 2 quite exceptional African-American Judges, the Honorable Judge Anne Williams, and the Honorable Judge George N. Leighton.

Judge Williams spoke of her foundation Just the Beginning

Judge Leighton spoke of having a post office named after him, a first of its kind occurrence and and

Judge Leighton was born George Neves Leitao to Cape Verde immigrants Anna Silva Garcia and Antonio Neves Leitao, in New Bedford, Massachusetts, on October 22, 1912. He attended grade school in New Bedford and on Cape Cod until he left the seventh grade to take a job on an oil tanker. But, he continued his education by reading books, attending night schools, and studying in Works Progress Administration classes. He went on to attend Howard University, after winning an essay contest, without EVER ATTENDING High School or completing Grade School!.

He worked an assortment of menial jobs and graduating with a degree from the College of Liberal Arts in 1940, magna cum laude. In September, 1940, he enrolled in the Harvard University School of Law, but his studies were interrupted by military service in World War II. He was awarded the Bronze Star for service during World War II. He received his LL.B. degree from Harvard in November of 1946.After graduation, Judge Leighton established a highly successful law practice in Chicago. He started his judicial career as a Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, serving from 1964 to 1969; then he served as a Judge of the Appellate Court, First District from 1969 to 1976. In 1976, President Ford appointed Judge Leighton to the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois where he served until 1987 when he became Counsel to the Chicago law firm of Earl L. Neal & Associates.

Among his many accomplishments and honors, Judge Leighton was the first African-American lawyer to sit on the Board of Managers of the Chicago Bar Association, the first African-American judge to serve as a Chancellor in the Circuit Court of Cook County, and the first African-American judge to sit on the Illinois Appellate Court. Additionally, Judge Leighton has been a professor of law at the John Marshall Law School for twenty-seven years.

Wednesday, October 12

Look at Me

Dear Diary,

Let's play a game called Find the Resident!
Hint: See the first photo.

What a fantastic conference! I learned about this great charitable concept, Reader to Reader on the listserv

Today I attended a training session, "ND Millennials: Characteristics to Instructional Success".

"I was born after the year 1982. I need structure and technology in myenvironment. Multi-tasking is a part of my life. Honest.I really can comprehend what you are saying while also sending a textmessage to my friend."
"I can run several IM conversations at the same time all while listening to MP3s on my PC as well as surf the web while adding content to my homework projects and assignments." Just who am I? I am a Millenial. I'm part of the generation known as Millenials.

"Meet the Gamers"

Tuesday, October 11

I Know You Are But What Am I?

Dear Diary,

"Sticks and Stones...." Today is yet another day when students and faculty have been asked to wear their
ORANGE T- shirts "Gay? Fine By Me?"

I saw an article after the last time the shirts were worn and wanted to learn more and I did. I applaud the groups courage to fight for equality. I feel a wee bit timid being the only faculty with one in my building. But other faculty are wearing them. Some faculty have come up and inquired about the shirt because they were unaware that it was not JUST for students. I believe the mystery surrounding the shirts and the events have a lot to do with the fact that the Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) of students, faculty, and staff are not officially recognized by the University.

I feel as a representative of "Diversity" in libraries, it is incumbent upon me to promote diverse beliefs and lifestyles and values. All too often, people confuse my being an African-American as the sum total of my contribution to diversity. Well they are in for a rude awakening. I have some of the most diverse thoughts on most subjects, and am not afraid to vocalize them. Sure wearing the shirt is attracting some stares but actually no more than when I first arrived. If I am this reticent and I am NOT GAY, I cannot begin to imagine how difficult it would be to walk around this campus or this homophobic world, and proclaim that you are gay.

Below is a schedule of events planned. On my Amnesty International listserv the question was posed:

What is your MORALITY Goal for this month?
I guess it is to stand up for equal treatment for all of God's children.

Tuesday, October 11: National Coming Out Day
Come Out of Your Closet!- 4:30 pm, South Quad.
“Come out” of a life-size closet for whatever reason you choose, and learn more about the significance of the act of coming out to members of the GLBTQ community. Also, a table in Lafun (GRC and Standing Committee on G&L Student Needs)

Wednesday, October 12:
8:00pm, Grotto Matthew Shepard Memorial Prayer Service
Prayer service to remember the murder of Matthew Shepard, victim of gay hate crime in 1998
Events Individually Sponsored by One or More of the Following: AllianceND, Progressive Student Alliance, Feminist Voice, Gender Relations Center & Standing Committee for Gay and Lesbian Student Needs, Sociology Dept., & Graduate Student Union.

I am doing a tutorial and assignment on History & Validation of Cases using Westlaw and Lexis.

Monday, October 10

Third Times a Charm

Dear Diary,

I am back after being off to tend to family business. I have been filling back dated requests, that came in during my absence. I key cite searched 2005 WL 2175166 in Westlaw. And am about to call a probate court to determine the dissolution of an intersting case in the news titled, "Florida Hospital Can Kill Man Via Euthanasia Over Wife's Objections" available at

And what a great surprise, Christian Librarian emailed me that they want to publish what will be my 3rd article, "Spiritual Literacy."

I am bursting with excitement! I created a library concept, Spiritual Literacy and am so honored that it was accepted. I plan to include it in my panel discussion when I present at the Indiana Library Federation's Annual Conference in April 2006. The journal is backlogged and will publish it in the quote "very next issue, " April 2006

I am so encouraged by having 3 articles actually accepted for publication, in 3 months. It may seem like quite an accomplishment but it doesn't reflect all the rejection emails I have received that can be discouraging at times. But I just recall it is said that Colonel Sanders' idea for KFC was rejected 1009 times. Good grief!
So what I have learned today is:

"Never give up...and never give in!"

Tuesday, October 4


Dear Diary,

I attended the Indiana Library Federation's District 1 Conference in downtown South Bend today. I was impressed by Michael Stephens' Technology presentation

He talked about:
*Techno-Lust, just wanting things because they are cool.
*Techo-Must, things that you need to meet your mission.
Techno-Divorce, being able to disregard technology that does not meet your continuing needs.

He suggests having a Library Garage Sale for example his library sold old computers and there were lines around the corner.

Mr. Stephens discussed IM virtual Reference at his library.

Mr. Stephens discussed as one example of photo-sharing services. Photo-sharing for the Digerati. He discussed how CD-ROMs will die because new wireless streaming video will replace them. He suggested that one day reference will be conducted using Skype and VoIP

Mr. Stephens discussed how the South Huntington Public Library on Long Island, New York, became one of the first public libraries in the country to loan out iPod shuffles for audiobooks.

Monday, October 3

...And a Little Child Shall Lead Them

Dear Diary,

Retrieved "general audiences" from the Vatican, in microfilm newspaper L'Osservatore Roma.

My excerpt on "Innocents Lost" was distributed to Amnesty International Members. Tonight we discuss working with UgandaCAN

Isaiah 11:6;