Dear Diary,
While I appreciate when people congratulate me on having published a lot in a short time, it is not as easy as it seems.
For every article published there is another one waiting. I have just received some harsh yet needed revision suggestions. I am incredibly overly sensitive when it comes to people reviewing my writing. In fact, that is why I quit my job in Public Relations. I just physically could not tolerate red ink on my (what I considered to be) "masterpiece."
So it is really hard to suck it up and make the requested revisions. But in the end, I am more pleased with the final product. Basically I've been forced to add more statistics and studies corroborating my premises which will make it more "scholarly" and thus more likely to pass this rigorous PEER-REVIEW process...Good Grief Man!!!
But I have learned a lot and the comments weren't all bad. A few were quite flattering and complimentary!
Funny how I only focus on those that were though.
Oh well...back to work.