Dear Diary,
In preparing for the Legal Research Final this afternoon, in the midst of answering an onslaught of reference questions from the 1L (first year law students), it hit me that...I have pretty much learned along with them. In the beginning I had the privilege to work through the assignments at least 1 week before them, but without the benefit of an accompanying lecture to explain the assignments. But at least when they came to me for answers, I had already struggled through and the answer was burned into my brain.
Now, however, we are in the same boat. We have the same exposure to the information and it encourages me that I have been answering their questions in a rapid-fire manner, from memory. That means I have finally begun to grasp these concepts on a deeper level and my comprehension has moved from one of simply being able to answer those specific questions on the weekly assignments to my ability to speak intelligently about the subject matter and the overall process and reasoning behind the complex methods.
We'll see how it goes this afternoon. But either way, for a gal with no prior law school experience, I am doing a darn good job if I do say so myself.