Monday, August 29

2nd Month in the Life of a Remarkable Resident.

Dear Diary,

Mon. 8/1
Per our Director's request, I submitted an editorial article to AALL Spectrum Perspectives Journal. "Soul Searching in the Stacks, " proof read by 2 law librarians. I helped a law student (1L), locate information in Microfilm & print it using LegalTrac Index and LINK catalog.

Tues. 8/2
Volunteered for a community service organization working with teens.

Wed. 8/3
Continue writing Bibliographic Essay. Renewed ALA membership. Applied for Councilor-at-Large deadline was pushed back to 8/31. I applied to be a Mentor to other Residents on DLN website

Fri. 8/5
Spoke with High School students on panel with other Residents. Yesterday researched History Timelines from '70s to present for our Director, since he was the 1st president of an association and it is their 30th Anniversary.

Mon. 8/8
Picnic at Laura’s with High School Students. Lexis tutorial.

Tues. 8/9
Met with Laura and Leslie, the other Resident who recently began. Told them about Asked about Religion questions upon Employment and learned of Section 702 of the Title VII Civil Rights Act "religious exemption." USCA indicates West publication / USCS indicates Lexis. Laura said our current, primary job comes first before grants and publications, conferences etc. next semester.

Wed 8/10 & Thur 8/11th
Submitted Bibliographic Essay to Choice (1 year booked in advance) and so submitted it to Versed for (Nov. issue). I attended my volunteer orientation.

Fri. 8/12
Interesting reference request about Land Stolen (ROSA Project by Bobby Rush)

Mon. 8/15
Scheduled meetings with Chemistry Librarian to prepare for my Chemistry Database classes that I'll teach in January. Worked out bugs for ILF Conference & ALA Midwinter conf. so will not conflict with Chemistry class schedule. I was assigned "News" section weekly updates of in-house electronic resources.

My initial program idea was approved by Dee Holliday for Indiana Library Federation (ILF) conference. Audited assignment #1 for Legal Research class and did reference request for faculty to get ND Fact book.

Tues. 8/16
BONUS: I was NOTIFIED my "Reflections of a Resident article" will be published! Began writing outline for JAWS in response to a Call for Papers for Serials Librarian journal that I learned about on one of my listservs. Met with the other Resident, Leslie, alone to discuss Grant Ideas.

Wed. 8/17
Did Statutes & Citations assignments for Legal Research class. Learned about Mandatory v. Persuasive Authority and U.S. Court of Appeals.

Thurs. 8/18
Categorized Subscription Databases. I got the complete list of Database Passwords. Finished Statutes assignment.

Fri. 8/19
Attended 3 law review sessions with each of the Law Librarians. Reviewed 4 Steps in Legal Research assignment and checked Bound, Pocket Parts, Pamphlets and ALS. One encouraging and positive note is that during one of the law review sessions, I was the only one in class to find the Senate Print in Lexis Congressional. Considering I had never used the database and was in a room filled with the top law students, I was pretty impressed with myself.

Consider doing Blog and use AALL Conference examples. I'll keep this type of journal on the blog to use for marketing and evaluating and "unique contribution to the profession." Link to AALL listed blogs. I did a request for a 98 page document on "ADVANCE Democracy Act." pros/cons and located article with only author and month in economist "Middle of the Class." Continued working on Categories for Databases. Attended LLM reception met Rwandan student and another student from China.

Tues. 8/23
Went through all 9 assignments on syllabus for Chemistry Database class prior to my training tomorrow.

Wed. 8/24
Met with Chemistry Librarian. Did reference request for our Director. Worked on Law Database Categories.

Thur. 8/25
Reference request for US Court Cases (used US Report vol/page #) and then Under Law - Supreme Court - Opinions - Bound Volumes - Searched Alphabetically by Plaintiff v. Defendant & violation. For 1999 - Present but for Pre-99 or for both used and searched "Legal Prof." and US Cases, then Supreme Court then entered volume (US) page can EMAIL it or Printable Version. Finalized Sub. Database. Categories & Gave Tours

Fri. 8/26
Reference request for "Grand Forks" book and links, I printed specifics. My supervisor, Dwight liked my suggestion about "i" icon in database table. Dwight wants me to send weekly the news items along with 2 images to change. I discussed adding a blog of my daily activities from my homepage with Director of computer services who thought it was a good idea. Second day for 1L students, I did 3 tours.

Worked on request for "behind scenes civil rights cases" for a faculty member. Dwight showed me how to find Direct History Chart in Westlaw and corresponding PDFs.

Mon. 8/29
Did assignment #2. Continued proofing the website I emailed him "Acquisitions" etc...typos and dead links // Worked on Reference Requests, and subscription database descriptions. I re-wrote law library Mission statement per Dwight's request.

Tues. 8/30
Completed Table Layout for Subscription Database and all Information descriptions under each. Finished checking all links on Kresge law library webpage.

Wed. 8/31
Prepared for Undergrad class tomorrow. We ran through class and tour. I'll take 10 and my supervisor, Dwight will take 10 students.